

This is important. If your kids can navigate an iphone, they can do chores. 

The twins are three, almost four.  Sean and I decided a few months ago we were going to get rolling with chores and we were going to pay them.  There are many reasons we feel it's important to do chores.  We feel they need to learn to clean up after themselves at some point and work well with other people for a common end goal.  The sooner, the better.

The really cool thing is that they are interested in everything we do and don't seem to consider helping out "work" or do it for their allowance.  They just do it because it's their job. "Hey mama, Imma put all the dishes away, I don't need any help." "Let me do it!"  

There are a million ways to do it and this is just one of many.  I didn't research it but what we do aligns with values we feel are important.  

We don't have a chart or sticker system.

Buddy and Sis got two bird feeders this Spring they need to fill daily.  They have LOVED this. 

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When I do laundry, they help sort whites, colors, and towels, put the soap in and push the buttons.  I don't expect them to help fold but Sis loves to fold and offers to help a lot, which is always a yes from me.  They both put their clothes away and hang them up.


Feed Blake dog dinner.

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Water the flowers.

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I don't necessarily think kids need an allowance for helping with household chores but I do think it's vital to learn money management skills.  

If they do their chores, I pay them 3 dimes and encourage them to save 1 dime (around 30%) in their piggy banks (aka savings account) and they can use the rest as they please.  Buddy has a decent stash started for another fishing rod. 

The other day they both helped clean out my car without asking.  They threw away garbage, wiped down the seats and vacuumed so I gave them an extra $1.00 when I gave them their allowance and they were over. the. moon.   

At the end of the day, do what's right for your family but don't be afraid to ask for help.  Initially it may be MORE work than doing it yourself but it gets better.





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